
4,4 (239)
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All-inclusive-Verwaltungssystem für Boutique-Studios.


4,4 /5

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239 Bewertungen

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Bisher nur gute Erfahrungen mit bsport

Bewertet am 30.8.2024

Ich habe bisher nur gute Erfahrungen mit bsport gemacht. Insbesondere das Onboarding und der...

Ich habe bisher nur gute Erfahrungen mit bsport gemacht. Insbesondere das Onboarding und der unkomplizierte Kontakt mit der Mitarbeiterin war hervorragend.


Dass das System leicht zu bedienen und selbsterklärend ist.


Die Smartlists Einstellungen bzw dass man ausschließlich zwischen "archiviert" und "nicht archiviert" unterscheiden kann. Mehr Optionen wie "Neue Mitglieder" (hinzugefügt in den letzten 2 Monaten o.ä.) wären toll.

Antwort von bsport

Vielen Dank für dein tolles Feedback, Viktoria!
Es freut uns, dass das Onboarding und die Bedienung für dich so positiv waren. Dein Hinweis zu den Smartlists ist super – wir nehmen das gerne als Anregung auf!
Dein bsport-Team

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 1.0 /10

Vorsicht! Keine Zulassung in Deutschland

Bewertet am 8.4.2024

Nicht für den Deutschen Markt geeignet, da es keine TSE-Zulassung hat und man so also ein extra...

Nicht für den Deutschen Markt geeignet, da es keine TSE-Zulassung hat und man so also ein extra Buchung-Kassensystem on top bräuchte. Das macht den Aufwand extrem groß. Es ist absolut unausgereift!
Schnell im Verträge verkaufen durch "cool wirkende" junge Leute, die den persönlichen Eindruck geben, den man haben will. Ein "Start-up", dass darauf ausgelegt ist, Daten zu sammeln und irgendwann verkauft werden soll. Keine echte "hands-on" Mentalität (einzelne Mitarbeiter ausgenommen!).


Die White-Label-App ist ein tolles Tool, was das Ego eines jeden Unternehmers triggert - aber Vorsicht!
Die Klassenplanung für Kuspläne oder Open Classes geht einigermaßen im back-end, aber dadurch, daß das Programm keine TSE-Zulassung hat, ist es leider hinfällig und kann bei einer Steuerprüfung des Studiobetreibers zu hohen Strafen führen in Deutschland.


Im "Sales-Prozess" wird einem mündlich gesagt, "ja, das Programm kann das alles...", im "on-boarding" wird man dann sukzessive aufgeklärt, dass vieles nicht geht. (bei uns Beispiel: mehrer Teilnehmer gleichzeitig in einem Termin, Kassen- und Zahlungssysteme alle integriert, Daten-Migration nur zum Teil, nicht die entscheidenden Daten, ...)

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Starkes Buchungssystem mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten

Bewertet am 25.10.2024

Ich hätte gerne mehr Zeit um alle vorhandenen Features besser nutzen zu können.

Ich hätte gerne mehr Zeit um alle vorhandenen Features besser nutzen zu können.


Zahlreiche Marketing Features u d Schnittstellen.


Teilweise unübersichtlich. Manche Anordnung ist nicht intuitiv. Front- und Backend

Antwort von bsport

Hallo Kathrin,
vielen Dank für dein Feedback zu bsport. Wir freuen uns zu hören, dass du mit dem Buchungssystem und seinen zahlreichen Feature zufrieden bist. Solltest du Hilfe oder Fragen zur Nutzung dieser Features haben, stehen wir dir wir gewohnt jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Viele Grüße vom bsport-Team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Top Support

Bewertet am 21.10.2024


Der Kundensupport ist immer super hilfsbereit und meldet sich spätestens am nächsten Tag, falls Rückfragen notwendig waren.


Das teilweise Hilfe-Texte nur auf Deutsch verfügbar sind.

Antwort von bsport

Hallo Marion, vielen Dank für deine positive Bewertung. Wir freuen uns, dass du mit bsport & unserem Kundenserive zufrieden bist. Wir arbeiten daran, auch die Hilfs-Texte komplett auf deutsch anbieten zu können, danke für den Hinweis
Dein bsport-Team

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

BSport als Studiosoftware für MMA

Bewertet am 17.5.2024

Es gab ein paar Startschwierigkeiten, die sich aber mit dem Wechsel des Supports erledigt haben.

Es gab ein paar Startschwierigkeiten, die sich aber mit dem Wechsel des Supports erledigt haben.


Die einfache Funktionsweise und Flexibilität bei der Verwendung.


Die derzeit zur Verfügung gestellte APP hat leider wenige Funktionen.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

Eversports Manager

Warum bsport gewählt wurde

BSport hat mehr Funktionen und der Support von Fitogram hatte sehr lange Reaktionszeiten

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport

Günstigerer Preis bei BSport und die Verknüpfung zu Urban Sportsclub

Antwort von bsport

Hallo Marcus, vielen Dank für deine Bewertung!
Besonders freut es uns zu hören, dass du mit dem deutschsprachigen Support und den Vielfalt an Funktionen und Features bei bsport zufrieden bist.
Vielen Dank für dein Feedback und auf eine lange, gute Zusammenarbeit!

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Geniale Lösung für Pilates Studios

Bewertet am 15.5.2024

Wir hatten bisher sehr positive Erfahrung mit der bsport App. Wir empfehlen es allen Studios dies...

Wir hatten bisher sehr positive Erfahrung mit der bsport App. Wir empfehlen es allen Studios dies zu einsetzen, somit kann man sich von den anderen Studios differenzieren.


Sehr übersichtlich, leicht zum bedienen. Deckt alle Anforderungen von einem Pilates Studio.
Unsere Kundinnen haben grosse Freude dran, weil sie das ganze selber können an und abmelden.


Es wäre schön wenn mehrere Mailvorlagen schon ein Bestandteil wäre.

Antwort von bsport

Hallo Marif,
es freut uns zu hören, dass du mit unserer Softwarelösung für dein Pilatesstudio zufrieden bist und wir sowohl die Anforderungen als Studio, als auch die Anforderungen eurer Kunden erfüllen können.
Auch deine positiven Worte zu Beratung und Kundensupport erfreuen uns sehr!

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Gute Lösung

Bewertet am 27.9.2024


Es Einfach und übersichtlich. Der Kontakt ist schnell und unkompliziert


Leute fest in Kurse zu buchen ist etwas umständlich

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

Eversports Manager

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport

Bsport ist sehr individuell und man wird nicht auf eine andere Seite weiter geleitet

Antwort von bsport

Hallo Claudi,
Danke für dein Feedback! Es freut uns, dass du zufrieden bist mit unserer Plattform. Wir arbeiten tagtäglich daran, deinen Alltag zu vereinfachen.
Schöne Grüße,

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Monatlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 0.0 /10


Bewertet am 3.1.2025


Nachdem sich im Verkaufsgespräch alles so gut angehört hat, zeigte sich nach...


Nachdem sich im Verkaufsgespräch alles so gut angehört hat, zeigte sich nach Vertragsunterzeichnung, worauf ich mich wirklich eingelassen hatte.
Die Mitarbeiter waren alle sehr nett und sagten, sie wollen Lösungen finden. Als es diese jedoch nicht gab und ich fristgerecht meine Kündigung nach drei Wochen (mir wurde ein Sonderkündigungsrecht einberaumt) eingereicht habe, wurde ich nur hingehalten, Meetings sind ohne abzusagen ausgefallen und seitdem werde ich nur vertröstet mit 'Dein Keymanager (der jetzt schon gewechselt wurde, NACHDEM ich gekündigt hatte) kümmert sich schnellstmöglich um dein Anliegen!'.

Ich möchte einfach nur mein Geld zurück und eine Bestätigung meiner Kündigung..

Schade, dass man dies nicht sauber beenden kann und ich jetzt so eine Bewertung schreiben muss, was eigentlich überhaupt nicht meine Art ist...


Netter Kontakt im Sales, alles sehr positiv und 'wir bekommen deine Ideen auf jeden Fall umgesetzt'


Katastrophaler Service, nachdem der Vertrag geschlossen wurde. Keine Lösungsmöglichkeiten, wurde ständig hingehalten und als ich -nachdem mir ein Sonderkündigungsrecht einberaumt wurde - aus dem Vertrag austreten wollte, werde ich seit MONATEN hingehalten und bekomme weder die Bestätigung der Kündigung noch mein bereits direkt eingezogenes Geld zurück!!!!

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Very useful booking system for a Pilates studio

Bewertet am 18.10.2023

A great experience so far as I am new to bsport. I had a very good and informative Demo with...

A great experience so far as I am new to bsport. I had a very good and informative Demo with [sensitive content hidden]
. He understood the needs of the studio right away and he showed me how the Bsport software would help with my business . Excellent on boarding training with [sensitive content hidden]
which is always there to help me with anything I need with the software . I am also happy to know there is a follow up on how I am getting on with the software Thanks to her for a great support. I am enjoying the software and I don't regret that I have done the switch.


Marketing , communication and reporting. Very easy to use and have various functionalities that help my business. A very modern software. I love the intercom when you need help.


The App as a Teacher log in. eg: To be able to check in a member for an appointment as Present or Absent. Would love to do more with the App.

Antwort von bsport

Dear Patrick,
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with some feedback; it is very much appreciated!
It has been a real pleasure working with you thus far, and I look forward to supporting you and your Pilates Studio as your Account Manager
Thanks again for your time and trust!
Kind regards,
bsport team

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Power of Boxing

Bewertet am 18.10.2023

Further to the above the experience has been superb and I can't recommend them highly enough. I am...

Further to the above the experience has been superb and I can't recommend them highly enough. I am big on customer service and all my questions have been answered either by chat or zoom call within a matter of hours. The clients have enjoyed the new system too which is equally important, particularly for retaining our client base and attracting new customers.


I believe bsport is a step up from our previous booking platform, Zingfit, and has a more modern feel to it, coupled with outstanding customer service.We are a very small business that has taken a hit since the pandemic and bsport were the most understanding, out of every potential company we spoke to, in terms of the platform and the setup we required. They were the only ones to show willingness to meet me in person, which speaks volumes about the integrity of the company. They also made sure that the transition was effortless too.


There are a few features that I would like to see included going forward but I have been told that these are in the pipeline and will therefore hopefully be implemented next year.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

ABC Glofox und Mindbody

Warum bsport gewählt wurde

Zingfit decided to put up our price to a level which would have made it difficult to survive as a company.

Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport

Pricing primarily and then we believed the booking platform was exactly as we needed it, knowing that they would also strive to develop it going forward to meet out future requirements.

Antwort von bsport

Hi Rupert,
Thanks for your feedback and for going through the migration and onboarding process with me. It's been great working with you so far, and we expect to keep upgrading the platform and our service. We have taken into account your requests to improve the system and will work on having that ready as soon as possible!
Kind regards,
bsport team

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 0.0 /10

Big Mistake

Bewertet am 21.9.2023

Biggest mistakeSalesmanager has reallt convinced me about all the features and that it would be the...

Biggest mistakeSalesmanager has reallt convinced me about all the features and that it would be the same as I had with Grib and even more...But there are so many things that they dont have.just some examples:- pauze a membership by exact dates- automatic calculate when members like to switch their membershipand many more....Also I pay € 7,5 per reversal payment which is really high! and ofcourse never mentioned during sales...maybe thats my fault for not asking...Its becoming really expensive and they have limited features.The accountmanager is nice and very patient so thats good, but the migration team constantly makes mistake and many of my members are complaining about their membership set ups not being accurate.I would not advice other gyms to take Bsport.


- Accountmanager is very patient- payments possible for many international banking- look and feel overall is good


- expensive because of reversal payment fee- Very hard to navigate thru reports or client data- many features are missing- migration is not accurate

Antwort von bsport

Dear Patrick,

Thank you for sharing your feedback, and we appreciate your honesty. We're genuinely sorry to hear about your experience with our platform and the challenges you've faced.

We understand that expectations set during the sales process should align with the actual capabilities of our platform. It appears that there have been misunderstandings, and we take this matter seriously. We will ensure that your feedback is shared with our sales team to improve our communication and transparency with future clients.

Regarding the specific features you've mentioned, we understand how important they are for your business operations. We are actively working on expanding our feature set to provide more flexibility and automation, including the ability to pause memberships by exact dates and streamline membership switches. Your input highlights areas where we need to focus our development efforts, and we appreciate your patience as we work to enhance our offerings.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected fees associated with payment reversals. We acknowledge that clear communication regarding all costs is essential, and we will take steps to improve transparency during the sales process moving forward.

Your experience with our migration team is concerning, and we are committed to resolving any inaccuracies in your membership setups promptly. We will address this issue internally to ensure a smoother migration process for our clients in the future.

Your feedback is valuable to us, and we take it to heart. We apologize for any inconvenience and frustration you've experienced thus far. We hope you'll consider giving us another chance as we continue to make improvements to our platform and services.

If there are any immediate concerns or issues that you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to assist you and provide the best possible support.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

BSport is a game changer

Bewertet am 26.7.2023

We love BSport, the flexibility of the software, the ability to schedule different classes, run a...

We love BSport, the flexibility of the software, the ability to schedule different classes, run a membership & drop in sessions side by side. The customer service is brilliant. We feel heard, and listened to. We will grow together as a partner businesses. The app works brilliantly too.


We moved to BSport after our previous system failed and we had zero to none customer service on critical and essential requirements for our business.After doing a market search and discussing our needs with providers, BSport was the one that matched us and we knew from other Pilates studio that they were reliable, efficient and easy to use. They lived up to & exceeded that expectation. As a young business BSport is learning from it's competitors and also from it's clients. In the year that we have been working together the system has improved, and suggestions are taken on board and implemented quickly. And issues we have had have been dealt with efficiently and we know that the customer service and development teams care about what is happening, we are a partner, not a number. I have worked in tech and facilitated the creation of a booking software in a different industry, so I understand the mammoth task this software has to undertake. BSport are doing an excellent job at exceeding all that they promise. The customer service is fantastic, Marcello is fountain of knowledge, thoughtful and insightful.


Sometimes tasks feel repetitive, however the set-up is always the longest part of any software. We had some Zoom issues, but a work around was found whilst they were sorting out the issues, and it was more of a 3rd party integration that they didn't fully have control over. The customer service is exceptional, so even when there's an issue, you know that it's been sorted out in the back ground and not been forgotten about.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

ABC Glofox

Warum bsport gewählt wurde

The payment processing in Wellness Living stopped working and the customer service team didn't fix the issue for months.

Zuvor genutzte Software


Gründe für den Wechsel zu bsport

Cost, benfits and understanding of our business. Also that we knew we could grow together.

Antwort von bsport

Hi Alison,
Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to let us know what you value from us, and where would you like to see some improvements. We are glad that the software and our service has exceeded your expectations so far, we will work to keep this partnership going for a long time!
About the things you have already asked to be improved, we will continue working on this, so you can enjoy even more the platform. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything!
bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 9.0 /10

Very convenient and friendly booking and client management system for fitness studios

Bewertet am 4.8.2023

Am very happy with the experience - love that I can always relay on the communication from the...

Am very happy with the experience - love that I can always relay on the communication from the BSPORT team and that there are always improvements happening.


The look and feel of the product is very friendly and also easy to understand. Very good integration with our webpage and also use of the client side of the system. Very good client profiles and payment processes, easy reports. What I like most is the very good client relations - always get a quick answer, tutorials are constructed very well and I always get an answer to my feedback or question.


There are some tweaks that could be better, but as the program is constantly worked upon then cant even bring out any issues here. Was a bit complicated first to switch from MINDBODY but it is very easy and after few tried understood well what are the core differences and now the system works even better.

Antwort von bsport

Hello Sven,
Many thanks for your nice feedbacks. We are really happy to see your enthusiasm regarding bsport.
It was a pleasure to exchange with you the other day. Please let us know if you need anything, I would be happy to help !
Many thanks for your time.
bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

The most friendly booking platform out there!

Bewertet am 15.12.2023


Overall Bsport is easy and friendly to use. It's more technologically advanced than many other booking systems. Their representatives (especially [sensitive content hidden]) are also helpful and polite when I reach out for support.


There's no phone number to talk to customer service. And due to the time difference between NYC and France, sometimes I need to wait for a few hours or the next day for response. There're a few features that are lacking with the system, such as sending out an auto reminder email to teachers who're subbing; select exact dates needed to process the payroll instead of having to select a whole month. The feature I need the most is to have clients stay on our website to complete the check out process, without having to go to the Bsport page.

Antwort von bsport

Hi Shelly,
Thanks for your feedback and for your positive comments! It's been a pleasure working with you so far, and we expect to be by your side as you expand your business in the future. We constantly look to improve and have taken into account your requests to add new features to the system.
bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Rebel Circus and Bsport - Brilliant

Bewertet am 29.2.2024

Really really.happynwoth bsport, after doing demos with glofox, Mindbody, punchpass and another,...

Really really.happynwoth bsport, after doing demos with glofox, Mindbody, punchpass and another, bsport had all of the functions we were looking for, it spoke our businesses language. Ontop of that, as a bit of a digitally phobic being, the onboarding process was so easy and smooth. I really can't recommend them enough, especially for the price, which after demoing so many to find out the price was astronomical, it shows that bsport has it's priorities right in both pricing, customer care and studio needs. Bravo Bsport


- the onboarding process, the team that helps, [sensitive content hidden] is absolutely fantastic, responds so quickly.and efficiently, a lot of the time with videos which as a dyslexic is phenomenal. So easy to get help if an issue. Scheduling is very easy, setting up memberships and repeated bookings, so so easy!!
The tutorial library is also so useful!

Absolutely brilliant


A little hard to find things by clicking about- some specific processes need to be understood before using but that's just learning a new software!

Antwort von bsport

Dear Lindsey,
Thank you sincerely for sharing your feedback.
It has truly been a joy to collaborate with you recently. Witnessing the development of your studio and your satisfaction with our platform has been immensely gratifying. I deeply value the dedication you've shown throughout our onboarding process. Your adept use of the platform is a testament to your effort, and I sincerely hope that partnering with Bsport has made your journey smoother with The Rebel Circus.
Please remember, we're always here to support you. Thank you once again!

Risa Nathalie
  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Big thumbs up for Bsport + Team!

Bewertet am 5.8.2024

The team especially [sensitive content hidden] were incredibly helpful from the very beginning,...

The team especially [sensitive content hidden] were incredibly helpful from the very beginning, engaging on zoom calls, running through various tools + procedures and always answering questions and showing us "how to" videos to simplify everything. What we appreciated the most was [sensitive content hidden] patience and immediate action to get the app + dashboard up and running + her eagerness to always look for solutions. The team at bsport are still helping us daily and the chat tool has been very helpful.


The entire app/dashboard is organized and simple to use. We enjoy seeing our numbers go up, classes getting booked and seeing the various stats. Great to work with a platform that has everything we need including webshop. The quick chat replies are highly appreciated


The configuration and merge between our website and bsport took a little longer than we hoped with many emails back and forth between our web designer and bsport. However [sensitive content hidden], was yet again amazing and helped to fix a lot of the bugs.

Antwort von bsport

Risa, Nathalie,
Thank you so much for your fantastic feedback—I'm thrilled to hear it! I'm really excited to see on how your studio will grow, and I have no doubt that you'll achieve your goals.
The bsporteam

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

I would highly recommend Bsport!

Bewertet am 15.11.2023

My overall experience has been excellent, the onboarding process was faultless and the system works...

My overall experience has been excellent, the onboarding process was faultless and the system works very well from both ends and they are constantly adding new functionality and evolving.


The staff at Bsport are extremely helpful, knowledgeable and attentive to all your individual needs, they really are excellent! The system is intuitive and user friendly and they are continually improving and evolving it to further meet their clients needs.


I think the marketing features needed some evolving but all credit to the team at Bsport they took feedback constructively and have now taken steps to improve the marketing functions.

Antwort von bsport

Hi Shereen,
Thanks for your feedback and for going through this journey with us since almost the beginning! It's been a pleasure working with you so far, we understand your business better and are looking to continue to improve the platform continuously. We have taken into account your requests to improve the system and expect to implement them soon!
Kind regards,
bsport team

Fatima Mohammed
  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 2.0 /10

Review from a business owner's perspective

Bewertet am 27.12.2022

our customized app constantly crashes for users, finances is hard to verify since we have to...

our customized app constantly crashes for users, finances is hard to verify since we have to manually do it, nothing is automated.


The price we pay was cost effective, however the clients are suffering the most.


analysis on finances, and app quality, and payment gateway.

Antwort von bsport

We would like to thank you for sharing this review as they are precious and help us to improve. We wish to have received your feedback sooner as we would have put all our efforts towards finding the best solutions. A team member will contact you shortly in order to review everything together and be sure that we will do our best to reach a higher level of your satisfaction. Thank you again for the trust we're putting into us!
bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Bsport have the Friendliest customer service I have experienced!!!

Bewertet am 24.10.2023

It has all been very positive. My account manager François is actually amazing. very very patient...

It has all been very positive. My account manager François is actually amazing. very very patient with me and I love the personable relations that are apparent with Bsport right from the beginning. Your customer service is off the scale... and that is what I really love.... any booking system will have it's pro's and con's but the people are what make the difference.


I was drawn to Bsport because of the friendly approach. I am not tech savvy so to have friendly people available who are patient with my very basic questions is helpful. Everyone though who I deal with is extremely helpful and I always get my issue resolved simply and smoothly and I do feel very very supported.


The terminology has thrown me. And it's like a rabbit hole. There is so much you can do that it almost puts me off, regarding tags and Smart lists.... Mindbody had simple contracts that made life easier and quicker to set things up on the clients account. This feels very complex to me.... but a reminder that I am not tech savvy.

Antwort von bsport

Hello Vanessa!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad we had the opportunity to do this together.
I will of course remain fully available for any of your amazing projects!
Take care Vanessa,
bsport team

  • Branche: Freizeit, Reisen & Tourismus
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

BSport, an investment of time that will pay off real quick

Bewertet am 1.6.2023

The Bsport experience has been first class, form the initial conversations with the sales team, to...

The Bsport experience has been first class, form the initial conversations with the sales team, to the on boarding team who helped with the data migration and change from our old supplier. This was a mammoth task and quite daunting, but with the amazing support has been a real pleasure. Long phone calls on hold trying to get support is a thing of the past! With Bsport we have someone sitting in our chat box on a daily basis ready to help answer our questions. Our old provider would take days to respond or require a 2-3 hour phone call, which was often answered by someone more clueless than myself!My daily tasks are so much easier thanks to Bsport


Taking payments is so much quicker with bsport than with our previous software provider, and managing class changes and edits to the schedule is also so much faster. Bsport has far more options with regards to the setup of how the classes are managed, cancellations etc, which allows us to run our business how we want to, not how the system allows us to.


We would love it if the text message service for cancellations and waitlist notifications was implemented soon.

Antwort von bsport

Hi James,
Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to let us know what you value from us, and where would you like to see some improvements. We are glad that the software and our service has met your expectation so far, we will work to keep this partnership going for a long time!
About the things you would like us to develop, we will continue working on this, so that you can enjoy even more the platform. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything! bsport team

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 9.0 /10

Stand-out studio management

Bewertet am 25.3.2022

When it comes to cons, BSPORT is very quick in their responsiveness. They update the system very...

When it comes to cons, BSPORT is very quick in their responsiveness. They update the system very often and always work to approve.
Also, the support desk is easily accessible and they are very helpful in setup and implementation.
The fact that it is a very manageable software, which is constantly renewing and improving, with multi-platform access and great support services, makes me a happy client.


This product makes an impact with all of its branded features, plus studio management is made simple despite many many features and functionalities.
For me the most stand-our feature is the billing & invoicing. The system is very smart regarding unpaid or disputed membership fees, plus sends out automatic notifications regarding this feature when required.
in a close second, it’s the fact that group sessions, private sessions and workshops are included in one software.
The product also looks great and is very accessible on the client/user end.


Some features still need to be build-up more. There is no easy way to filter members, or to free up a spot with an absent client.
We have had clients in the past before who created double accounts just to purchase a trial class twice. A notification for when it looks like this is happening is the biggest feature I’m currently missing.

Antwort von bsport

Thank you for your great review! We are really glad that you're enjoying the system and that you've taken the time to explore all the different features and functionalities.
Regarding the options you're looking to filter members and free spots when a customer is not present, we look forward to develop more personalization and freedom for our clients in the future.
Your feedback is what makes us get better every day, we move forward expecting to keep to amaze you every step of your journey with us!

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 9.0 /10

Top software with fast development

Bewertet am 31.10.2023

Overall i am really happy witrh choice i made coming other softwares i used( Acuity, Fitogram)....

Overall i am really happy witrh choice i made coming other softwares i used( Acuity, Fitogram). Bsport is not perfect, but they are fast evolving and are open too ideas


-Frequent Updates
-Fast customer Support
-open API
-Almost every Scenario can be modeled in bsport


-Webhook URL Maximum too short
-No 2 Way Synchroization with office 365

Antwort von bsport

Hello Michael,
Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. It is a pleasure to work with you and we will continue to improve the platform and our service to meet your expectations.
Thank you again for your time and trust!
bsport team

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Bsport - Train Yard

Bewertet am 11.9.2023

Really good, especially the customer service, you always get back to me straight away

Really good, especially the customer service, you always get back to me straight away


How it is simple to use and laid our in an easy way


I think the late cancels/no shows could we easer as we still have to manually take payment for those that are not on a subscription

Antwort von bsport

Hi Jaz,
Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to let us know what you value from us, and where would you like to see some improvements. It's been a pleasure working with you so far, and we expect to keep upgrading the platform and our service!
Kind regards,
Marcello from bsport

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 9.0 /10

ADVHQ takes on bsport

Bewertet am 12.9.2023

Still new to the platform but loving it [sensitive content hidden] in particular is AMAZING

Still new to the platform but loving it [sensitive content hidden] in particular is AMAZING


Ease of useSimple branding Help and support of onboarding team


Migration process always a little tricky!

Antwort von bsport

Hi Rose,
Thanks for your feedback and for enduring the not-always-easy migration and onboarding process with me. It's been a delight working with you so far, and we expect to keep upgrading the platform and our service!
Kind regards,
Marcello from bsport

  • Branche: Sport
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 7.0 /10

Overall a good system

Bewertet am 20.3.2023

I am satisfied with this system, and I think I will get a lot out of it onceI get used to it and...

I am satisfied with this system, and I think I will get a lot out of it onceI get used to it and learn how to use it to it's fullest potential.


Marketing and automated email system is really good and helps connect to the customers much better than anything I used before!


Widgets are not really customisable, and as a company that gave an impression that it works in a big part on easy to use and itegrate widgets for the websites, things like more fonts or adjustable font sizes would be expected.

Antwort von bsport

Hi Anna,
Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to let us know where we are succeeding and where we can improve. Great to hear that you like our marketing functions!
We look forward to maintaining and improving the excellent customer service that you have come to expect from us.
About items that may be improved, like the widgets customization we will consider your feedback in order to enhance procedures and features inside the system.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!