Über Issuetrak
IssueTrak ist eine leistungsstarke Software zur Problemverfolgung und zum Business Process Management mit einer 20-jährigen Erfolgsbilanz für Tausende von Unternehmen weltweit in den Bereichen IT, Gesundheitswesen, Finanzen, Gastgewerbe, Behörden, Militär und Non-Profit-Organisationen. Zu den Kunden zählen Ralph Lauren, Pepsi, UPS, Verizon, das US-Verteidigungsministerium und Raytheon.
Mit der Software kannst du basierend auf deinen Vorlieben automatisch neue Probleme zuweisen und Zeit mit vorab ausgefüllten Formularen für wiederkehrende Probleme sparen. Du kannst jedem in deinem Unternehmen Aufgaben zuweisen, neue Aufgaben erstellen oder eine vordefinierte Aufgabengruppe auswählen und einem Problem hinzufügen. Probleme, die per E-Mail eingehen, werden sofort anhand des Inhalts verfolgt und automatisch mit allen nachfolgenden Mitteilungen zugewiesen, die automatisch innerhalb desselben Problems gespeichert sind.
SLAs werden definiert und mit E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für bevorstehende Fristen überwacht. Leistungskennzahlen werden basierend auf KPIs, die du auswählst, schnell in einem nutzerdefinierten Dashboard angezeigt.
Automatisches Prüfen, Erfassen und Verwalten von Daten über IT-Assets mit Assets, die mit bestimmten Nutzern oder Nutzern mit Assets verknüpft sind. Mit der Asset-Suche oder integrierten Berichten kannst du schnell Elemente finden, Trends erkennen und detaillierte Informationen über deine IT- und Nicht-IT-Ressourcen abrufen.
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- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
Maillie Review of cloud base issuetrak - Chad Mohr
Bewertet am 16.3.2015
Before I was hired, Maillie was using no help desk software at all. We are a 100 person small...
Before I was hired, Maillie was using no help desk software at all. We are a 100 person small accounting firm. I came from a 400 person pharma company in which I used and configured 4 help desk software before. I have used before Remedy, HP service center, Cherwell, Lifetime, and Frontrange ITSM. I am ITIL v3 certified and this product helps follow some of the ITIL methodologies. We trialed 8 hd systems. I deployed IssueTrak cloud to Maillie at end of Sept 2014. Our employees are gravitating to the system, we now average about 200 issues a month. The pros are:-easy setup/configuration. I did our company configuration needs in about 2 weeks, with the setup of mostly issue types and subtypes. The setup training was easy to follow and I didn't need all the hours. I revisited the hours when I was ready to make templates/forms for things like New Hire Requests. Sync to AD worked after you get the certificate loaded properly. We are using the asset trackpc.exe which pulls from a batch file at login the client and server machines info. Reports have been easy to generate and export to excel. We use tasks for access approval, software request, hardware request and change control. We now know who is approving it and when. Creating a kb article from a ticket is easy. Escalating an issues to a global issue and then linking issues to that global is very easy and it closes and updates notes with any modifications from that global issue. IssueTrak Support has been quick, effective and easy to talk to. I can tell IssueTrak invests money and time into their product they do take suggestions from their clients. The Cons are: sometimes a lot of windows get opened and then it's difficult to find screen you need. Everything works downwards on the page, the more fields you add the lengthier it gets. Be nice if you could just make fields go in open spaces on the page. When submitting an issue you should fill it out from top to bottom because if you have any custom screens, it changes the screen and fields below then are wiped.IE settings have to be set to show content. If two people have the same issue open, the last save takes presidents. Devices that cannot run trackpc.exe need to be entered. When submitting an issue, it would be nice if it automatically suggested a kb and not have to click the KB link which takes you away.
OVERALL, I am very pleased with IssueTrak and I would recommend it to anyone because it makes configuring, deploying and using hd software easier.
Antwort von Issuetrak
Chad, Great product review. Regarding the request to have IssueTrak automatically suggest a KB solution....I've seen that functionality demonstrated in a recent developers meeting. Just saying.... Customer feedback really does help define the product. Thanks again, Tony
- Branche: Computer-Software
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 9.0 /10
Love to recommend IssueTrak!
Bewertet am 2.11.2016
Well, they say it right! you've got issues. Keep track of them with IssueTrak. it is a standard...
Well, they say it right! you've got issues. Keep track of them with IssueTrak. it is a standard ITIL driven application with user-friendly interface to track Issues for your organization or your customers. That's not end of it. It has standard and functionalities like Reports, Asset Management, Quick pick and Recurring Issues etc. which will make your life easier. It's not an high-end application though I guess small or mid sized organization will find it suitable. The best thing I like about IssueTrak that it captures labor hours of users, at each transaction, at each updates, at the end of day you can create a report and calculate how many hours you or your team had spent in a work or issues or projects etc. Isn't that interesting? I would love to recommend to anyone. Thanks IssueTrak!
Quick pick, Recurring Issues, Reports, Note captures Labor hours.
It's slow.
Email notification setup gets bug sometimes.
It lacks in connecting different modules like Organization, Users and Issue Type. Like you can not see what are the issue types supported by the organization if you are at the organization page. You can not add/remove groups from user if you are at the user page.
Quelle der Bewertung
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
Lacking Key Features
Bewertet am 9.2.2016
I have used one other ticket tracking system before and for this system to allow multiple users to...
I have used one other ticket tracking system before and for this system to allow multiple users to have the same issue open and editing is such an unfortunate design flaw. Make sure you have a rock-solid process in place otherwise you will be reaching out to people via phone or email at the same time! This makes our group seem horribly inefficient. Also to allow multiple Assets with the same serial number to be entered successfully? How is that helping to eliminate the duplicate entry of inventory items? Not only were we told that these are not under design but not even prepared for future designs.
Antwort von Issuetrak
We appreciate your feedback. Both items you mention are good suggestions for improvement.
Many Issuetrak customers employ our "Assign To Me" feature so that agents can grab an unassigned issue from the queue. That issue is then removed from the queue, and other agents won't try to grab it. But this method doesn't prevent the problem you mention 100%. I checked UserVoice, and I see several other people have requested more robust handling of simultaneous updates. I contacted our product manager, and he says this is an issue we will be addressing.
The other problem isn't so clear-cut. There could be times when it is OK to have assets with the same serial numbers. What if they come from different manufacturers?
I see Arbitration Forums has been a customer for almost nine years! We've enjoyed working with you and your colleagues over the years.
If you have any more suggestions, please let us know, or feel free to put them directly into
- Branche: Lebensmittelproduktion
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10
Bewertet am 7.2.2023
Overall the staff has been professional, friendly and knowledgeable.
Overall the staff has been professional, friendly and knowledgeable.
Issuetrak has been a lifesaver, cutting down on continues hours of data entry.From building the data base for our needs, to the customer support team for questions the staff has been professional, friendly and knowledgeable.
It took sometime ironing out our processes but it was a true team effort!
Antwort von Issuetrak
Thank you for your honest review! We're delighted to hear that you have found Issuetrak to be a lifesaver for your business operations! Your feedback has been relayed to our Product team, but if you have any additional feedback about our software and how we can improve, don't hesitate to submit your ideas to our feedback form on our website,, which goes directly to our Product team. Thank you again!
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 6.0 /10
We used it for end user issues tracking at active phase of the project
Bewertet am 19.6.2018
We've got some experience how to set up better process for our end-users issues tracking
We've got some experience how to set up better process for our end-users issues tracking
What I liked the most is ability to configure custom processes per team.
Also if team-specific setup worked good for single team, it was easy to share it with other teams.
Most of our clients liked escalation feature. As we were a small team, sometimes reminder that some issue is on hold is too long on hold worked as additional motivational factor.
We also liked a feature, that allowed to set up custom rules for issues assignment. E.g. if someone is good at something or someone's action/approval is the first step of something, some kind of issues goes to him/her automatically.
They are good when you use only current set of features and experience no issues.
As soon as you experience an issue or wait for their software upgrade, timelines are really unpredictable (company has been working at different pace allover the time).
Issuetrak Häufig gestellte Fragen
Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über Issuetrak.F. Welche Preispläne bietet Issuetrak an?
Issuetrak bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:
- Ab: 26,00 $/Monat
- Preismodell: Abonnement
- Gratis Testen: Verfügbar
F. Wer sind die typischen Nutzer von Issuetrak?
Issuetrak hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:
Selbstständig, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1.000, 1.001–5.000
F: Welche Sprachen werden von Issuetrak unterstützt?
Issuetrak unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:
Deutsch, Dänisch, Englisch, Französisch, Irisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
F. Unterstützt Issuetrak mobile Geräte?
Issuetrak unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:
Android (mobil), iPhone (mobil), iPad (mobil)
F. Mit welchen anderen Applikationen integriert Issuetrak?
Issuetrak kann in folgende Anwendungen integriert werden:
Azure Active Directory, Google Analytics 360, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Power BI, Okta, SwaggerHub, Zapier
F. Welche Varianten der Kundenbetreuung bietet Issuetrak an?
Issuetrak bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:
E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQ/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefon-Support, 24/7 Live-Support, Chat
Ähnliche Kategorien
Sieh alle für Issuetrak gefundenen Softwarekategorien an.
- Kundenservice Software
- Help-Desk-Software
- IT Asset Management Software
- Issue Tracking Software
- Beschwerdemanagement Software
- Change-Management-Software
- Projektmanagement Tools für gemeinnützige Organisationen
- Kundensupport Software
- Bugtracker
- IT-Service-Software
- Service Desk Software
- Wissensdatenbank Software
- CRM-Systeme
- CAFM Software
- ITSM Tools
- IT Ticketsysteme