
4,6 (315)
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Passwort-Manager und Tool zum Ausfüllen von Formularen

Über RoboForm

RoboForm for Business ist ein Tool zur Verwaltung von Passwörtern und für das Ausfüllen von Formularen, das sichere und automatisierte Passwortverwaltung für alle Mitarbeiter auf allen Geräten bietet. Die Lösung dient dem gesamten Lebenszyklus von Passwörtern, von der Generierung bis zur Speicherung, Wiederverwendung und Freigabe.

Die Verwaltungskonsole erleichtert das Onboarding, die Delegation von Berechtigungen, den Einsatz von Sicherheitsrichtlinien, die Zuweisung von Anmeldeinformationen und die Berichterstattung. Zentralisierte Verwaltungsfunktionen bieten Nutzern die vollständige Kontrolle über die Konten und Anmeldeinformationen der Mitarbeiter auf allen Plattformen. Sobald das Mitarbeiter-Onboarding erfolgreich durchgeführt worden ist, kann RoboForm auf jeder Plattform und jedem Browser installiert und verwendet werden.

Die Technologie zum Ausfüllen von Formularen dient dem automatischen Vervollständigen langer Webformulare in Form eines automatisierten Prozesses oder per Mausklick. RoboForm verwendet End-to-End-AES256-Bit-Verschlüsselung für die sichere Generierung, Speicherung und Freigabe von Passwörtern. Master-Passwörter werden nie auf den Servern gespeichert und alle Daten werden lokal entschlüsselt.


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29,95 $
5,00 $


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Kostenlose Version
Kostenlose Testversion




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4,5 (315)
4,4 (252)


4,5 (315)
4,3 (252)


4,4 (315)
4,3 (252)
Die grünen Bewertungsbalken geben an, welches Produkt gemessen an der Durchschnittsbewertung und der Zahl der Bewertungen am besten abschneidet.


Dashlane for Business

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4,6 /5

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Zeigt 5 von 315 Bewertungen
  • Branche: Gastgewerbe
  • Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 3.0 /10

Mein Passwort-Manager

Bewertet am 25.7.2024

Seit Jahren ein sicherer Wert, dem ich vertraue.

Seit Jahren ein sicherer Wert, dem ich vertraue.


Einfache, sichere Bedienung. Läuft auf allen Plattformen/Geräten


Muss auf den verschiedenen Plattformen/Geräten manuell synchronisiert werden.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

1Password und Dashlane for Business
  • Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Great for the individual but not the enterprise

Bewertet am 17.3.2023

Great product that I used for over a decade

Great product that I used for over a decade


Easy to use, works everywhere, customer support is exceptional


Lacked features and licensing for enterprise users

  • Branche: Marketing & Werbung
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

This is the first software I install after setting up google chrome browser

Bewertet am 22.7.2021

Roboform helps me keep all the passwords secure in a cloud and access them wherever and whenever I...

Roboform helps me keep all the passwords secure in a cloud and access them wherever and whenever I need them (also when on mobile). Having 30 character random passwords I'm never afraid of someone stealing/learning it - that person will only have potential access to 1 out of 2000 my current v. strong passwords.
Adding 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) to the equation, Roboform makes my online life much safer.

The other thing is speed of usage and time saved by not typing URLs of the websites I wanna visit and not typing/trying to remember corresponding login details. This alone is worth a gold - and that's why password managers are so important these days.

The above combined with great and easy to use password generator, it makes it ultimate tool for Personal and business use cases.
The only thing that could be improved is team collaboration and password sharing.

All in all, I highly recommend Roboform to anyone who's not using password manger and/or using different one.


Firstly, I wanted to point out that I've been using Roboform since 2004 and have been always their great ambassador. I love what the company has done over the years and looking forward to using it for years to come.
Of course the most important feature is possibility of securely storing and accessing my data, passwords and other sensitive information on all devices (I'm on a business plan) and possibility to login to 99% of the sites with just 1 click of a mouse. This speeds up your workflow a lot and saves me loads of time everyday.
Also easy integration with most of the browsers and even mobile browsers, makes it a great software.


Really, all the necessary features are there, so I can't see any major flaws.
The 2 things that come to my mind would be:
a) better integration with Android based browsers - the app lacks some of the features available in Roboform's native browser - which is again limited with some features
b) With the recent updates, they've taken possibility to view login details through the app - and it rather opens up online - which is taking longer that it used to.
Other than that, this is a great app for me.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen


Gründe für den Wechsel zu RoboForm

I've been using Roboform forever and got used to their intuitive interface. Also much better integration with browsers than Passcamp makes it my go to password manager for daily usage.
  • Branche: Medienproduktion
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 5.0 /10

Decent password manager, with some issues

Bewertet am 18.1.2019

I continue to use Robofom, as stated, partly out of inertia. But here's another issue.


I continue to use Robofom, as stated, partly out of inertia. But here's another issue.

Roboform also has a function called Safenotes, which I like, where one can save encrypted personal information, such as bank account numbers, social security numbers, etc. I've been using that function a lot, but one of the problems is I see no way to create separate folders for information. So one ends up with a long list of entries to sort through. The longer the list, the harder to spot what one is looking for.

Most recently Roboform stopped integrating with Chrome form filler and actually disabled it. I find that infuriating, as Roboform will not fill in some forms that Chrome always will. When I complained to Roboform support one thing I was told was that browser managers and not as secure as form fillers like Roboform. That's true, but I'm intelligent enough to decide that for myself, especially when Chrome fills in forms that Roboform mysteriously will not. This might be a money grab or power grab, but Roboform should not insult paying customers by disabling a free service in favour of a paying service. Roboform is insulting its user base and should change that policy immediately.


It does a fairly good job of filling out forms and passwords.

Support usually responds within a day.


It is a fairly complex program with many features, that takes some getting used to. I believe other password managers are available for free, but Roboform is a subscription service which I've used for many years, regularly renewing my subscription, partly out of inertia and not wanting to learn another manager.

There are a few real issues with the program, for me at least. One, is that it actually balks at filling out some forms and passwords. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is kind of infuriating. In the past Roboform would, unbelievably, not fill out the login for Netflix. I was told it was because Netflix used flash in its log-in screen. I don't know if that's still the case because I keep my system permanently logged in now, but just a couple of weeks ago Roboform would not fill out a login for American Express.

I don't know if other password managers have this problem, but Roboform sometimes refuses to fill out fields on a form. Some forms it fills out completely and properly. On others it may not fill the phone number or other important information, so all forms should be checked. This is also a major nuisance.

Antwort von Siber Systems

Hi Gerald - thank you for taking the time to provide in depth feedback. Regarding the autofill issues you're experiencing, our testing team will gladly investigate any/all sites that seem to be affected. To streamline the process, we request that you please submit the list of sites via our online ticketing system.

Regarding Netflix, RoboForm does/should currently log you in to your Netflix account. If you attempt to do so and for any reason it does not, please let us know so we can troubleshoot on your behalf.

  • Branche: Computer- & Netzwerksicherheit
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

What password did I use?

Bewertet am 6.12.2019

I don't always have my computer with me, the app that loads on my phone either iPhone or Android, I...

I don't always have my computer with me, the app that loads on my phone either iPhone or Android, I can look up a password while at a customer site. If I need a complex password, it comes with a tool to create a complex password for me and then save it.


Being able to find a password that I've used for any site that I log into. I try not to use the same password for multiple sites, doing this I don't always remember the password. RoboForm allows me to organize and save my passwords. It allows me to put notes on the passwords saved and give it a name that I can easily find if needed. It saves the website info and the fields I fill in while setting up the password.


Minor dislike in my opinion, but once you fill in the password using the software, it will prompt again to save it even if I don't change the password. Just have to close the prompt, like I said minor.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen


Gründe für den Wechsel zu RoboForm

A buddy of mine in the IT industry was using RoboForm and after comparing both products, RoboForm just seemed the better fit.
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RoboForm Häufig gestellte Fragen

Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über RoboForm.

RoboForm bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:

  • Ab: 29,95 $/Jahr
  • Preismodell: Abonnement
  • Gratis Testen: Verfügbar

RoboForm hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:

Selbstständig, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1.000, 1.001–5.000

RoboForm unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:


RoboForm unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:

Android (mobil), iPhone (mobil), iPad (mobil)

Wir haben keine Informationen darüber, welche Integrationen RoboForm hat

RoboForm bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:

E-Mail/Helpdesk, Telefon-Support, Chat

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