
Über MediaShout
MediaShout ist eine Kirchenpräsentationssoftware, die die Anzeige von Songtexten, Ankündigungen, Bibelauszügen und fast jeder Art von Mediendatei ermöglicht. Die Lösung umfasst Vorlagen, Fire-Tasten, Social-Media-Integrationen, Textformatierung, Editor-/Moderator-Ansichten, einen Predigtenverfasser und mehr.
Der Editor von MediaShout bietet Nutzern eine Drag-and-drop-Oberfläche zum Erstellen nutzerdefinierter Präsentationen. Der Predigtenverfasser enthält einen Assistenten, um Nutzern bei der Erstellung der Folien zu ihren Predigten zu helfen. Mit dem Stichwortbibliotheks-Plug-in können Nutzer ihre Lieblingsstichwörter speichern und sie auf einfache Weise zu zukünftigen Präsentationen hinzufügen. Nutzer können Folien auch weiter bearbeiten, sobald Stichwörter hinzugefügt wurden. Passagen aus den heiligen Schriften aus einer Vielzahl von Bibeln können Präsentationen hinzugefügt werden: die American Standard-Version, die King James-Version, die Webster Bible und viele andere sind integriert.
Die Anzeige für die Kirchenbühne in MediaShout ermöglicht die Anzeige von Inhalten für Pastoren und Lobpreisteams. Elemente können unmittelbar von der Hauptanzeige in die Bühnenanzeige kopiert werden, und Nutzer können dann nur Elemente auf der Bühnenanzeige bearbeiten. Notizen, Vorschauen der nächsten Folien und zusätzliche Informationen können dem Team während der Predigt angezeigt werden.

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Proclaim by Logos

Microsoft PowerPoint

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Andere Softwarekäufer brauchen deine Hilfe! Produktbewertungen helfen uns allen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

- Branche: Religiöse Einrichtungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 7.0 /10
Good product, could still use some work
Bewertet am 6.11.2018
I've been using MediaShout weekly since 2009. I've learned most of the tricks, bugs and shortcuts...
I've been using MediaShout weekly since 2009. I've learned most of the tricks, bugs and shortcuts to the older 4.5 version, but I haven't really tried version 6 a ton because I can't get it to do what I want all the time.
Very easy to add lyrics to the presentation, integrated nicely with other products most churches probably use anyways.
I am currently using version 6 and version 4.5. I am sticking with 4.5 for now because I can't find a good way to use my keyboard on version 6. In version 4.5 you can use the arrow keys to navigate the cues without firing them, then hit enter on the one you want to fire to the presentation. Maybe I just don't know how to use the newer software, but it feels a lot harder to control since I'm using my mouse a lot more. (on my laptop I want to stay away from the trackpad as much as possible!) You can go through (sort of) the cues with your arrow keys but enter isn't the way to fire the cues, and I have a lot of volunteers that help me out with running media, so I want things to be as simple as possible but also flexible enough to skip cues if need be, so telling them to just press spacebar isn't always the best way to do it either.
There's also some overall clunky things in the newer version with editing songs and text cues and how it reformats when you try to repaginate things to your liking.
It looks like a nice try, there's just enough finnicky things about it to keep me tied to the older, slower 4.5 version for now.
Antwort von Wordsmith
We appreciate the feedback. V6 is a little different- it puts more at your fingertips without going to different layers to edit. Multiple parts of the program are "active" at the same time. We tried to allow for things like entering numbers and pressing enter to fire, but the challenge was that commands were being sent to the editing functions and not just to the control functions. However, there are a couple of ways to navigate and fire cues such as the F7 and F9 keys, or like you said, the space bar. You can even assign custom keys. You only need to click to jump to out of order. I do realize that is common, so I hear you. For text editing, be sure you have page breaks inserted (Ctrl + Enter or right click and select "Page Break" in a text box). This keeps your pages split as you want, regardless of changes to text size or text boxes for instance. Let our support know ( if you have specific questions so we can help. Thanks again!
- Branche: Religiöse Einrichtungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 6.0 /10
Pretty good church presentation software
Bewertet am 20.8.2020
Mediashout let us create a more engaging service for our guests and congregation. We were able to...
Mediashout let us create a more engaging service for our guests and congregation. We were able to not only have lyrics on the screen, but give them a wide variety of backgrounds and animations. Additionally we could automate some slides like our announcements to run on a timer until we were ready to proceed.
And the ease of adding multiple media sources like audio and video gave us new avenues to share more content with our live audience.
Mediashout provided us with advanced presentation options for our church, giving us lyrics, slides, transitions, media playing capability, and verse sharing on the screens throughout our sanctuary.
Our staff and volunteers were able to setup Sunday morning services and everything that needed to be on the screens. We did this in advance, saved the files, and went live on Sundays.
Mediashout let us expand our capabilities outside of Powerpoint and incorporate more media into our services, which helped us keep our congregation engaged.
Media shout did a lot of advanced features compared to powerpoint but wasn't as advanced as pro presenter. We had issues editing slides on the fly and when things went sideways in the service, it was difficult to see all the slides at a glance to jump ahead or behind within the same window like Propresenter. And the software used a lot of system resources, so we had to make extra sure nothing was running in the background.
Antwort von Wordsmith
Thanks for taking the time to review! We're so glad to have been able to serve your church. From the content of the review, it looks like you may have been using a slightly out of date version. We'd love to invite you to check out features like Presenter View in MediaShout 7 to have a better experience seeing slides at a glance or jumping around as needed. The editing process has also been streamlined so it's a bit quicker to put things together even on the fly- AND there's about to be a new update to MediaShout 7 with even more focus on on-the-fly firing. Stay posted, and please let our support team know if we can help in any way on
- Branche: Religiöse Einrichtungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 2.0 /10
Media Shout 7
Bewertet am 26.4.2022
Has been very good over the years until now. Very disappointed that they failed to carry over key...
Has been very good over the years until now. Very disappointed that they failed to carry over key working features of MS 6 to their new product MS 7.
And disappointing that they will not refund the upgrade purchase cost for an admitted deficient product. IOW, you have to purchase this new product to see what is in it, but with a no return policy if it will not meet your needs.
= a poor business practice that will discourage long term customer base.
With Media Shout 7, they've made text entry cues very easy.
Having used MS 5 & MS 6, (a long time customer) our upgrade to MS 7 is disappointing, and MS 7 is unworkable for us for the following reasons.
1) The fire and other control button are now too small , and can hardly locate for those with older eyes.
2) The display window on right column will not adjust to a larger size and is too small so see clearly what is displayed.
3) The editor box although very large, is fixed and unable to resize like MS 6 does, not does it mirror the main display (even in presenter mode, it does not mirror the display screen. )
4) They removed the insert Comments feature. Now you can only comment within a cue box .
I spoke with Customer service on 4-25-22. They are always polite, but acknowledge MS 7 's stated shortcomings, and said upgrade sales are final. - no refund.
So we will continue to use MS 6 until they either restore those lost features to MS 7, or when MS 6 finally crashes, purchase another vendor's product.
Note: I don't like to complain, but if you are looking to upgrade from MS 6 to MS 7, buyer beware. Sales staff are aware of these changes issues between MS 6 & MS 7, and frankly should have given a disclaimer, but did not....again, disappointing.
We are content with MS 6, except for the hoops involved to insert a text cue. Jim
- Branche: Religiöse Einrichtungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10
Great presentation formate
Bewertet am 7.8.2019
Are use it in two separate ministries elementary and junior high and off-campus events like camps...
Are use it in two separate ministries elementary and junior high and off-campus events like camps and retreats
It is very easy to use I do elementary kids ministry and my kids are able to maneuver around mediashout and use it during our celebration services
There are several updates a year called builds That must be manually updated. I did have a glitch in my program that stumped the media shout team and was in unable to be fixed at this time
Antwort von Wordsmith
Hey Keith! Thanks for the positive review and insight! You're right those builds are updates for the program where we release improvements, new features, etc. Users can run on the one they have if they want but we do always encourage you to move up to the newer builds when it's convenient, to take advantage of all the improvements. Now that MediaShout 7 is out, the updates will be few for MediaShout 6- only on an as needed basis. But we will continue rolling out new features for Version 7. One cool difference though is with the new MediaShout 7, we are going to be able to simply release new PLUGINS instead of updates to the entire program, once the framework is satisfactory. That way users won't have to update the whole thing, but just install new plugins that are of interest to them! Regarding the glitch or issue- I'm looking all over but can't find any details. If you have the time, feel free to check in with our team to see if maybe we have an answer for you at this point. Thanks!
- Branche: Religiöse Einrichtungen
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
- Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
- Bedienkomfort
- Kundenbetreuung
- Weiterempfehlungsquote 5.0 /10
Media Shout 7
Bewertet am 25.10.2021
I am stuck with it because that is what the previous music minister insisted on. I would much...
I am stuck with it because that is what the previous music minister insisted on. I would much prefer Proclaim, but it is too late to switch now. The church is too much invested in Media Shout.
It works most of the time. It integrates with my CCLI Song Select account. It is commonly used by many churches in our area.
It will suddenly stop working and I won't know why or what to do about it on a Sunday morning. It is not cloud based, so I cannot build the slides at my house on my computer and then use them on the church's computer on Sunday, like Proclaim does.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Proclaim by LogosGründe für den Wechsel zu MediaShout
The previous music minister and his wife who ran the sound booth had never worked with Proclaim, so they pushed for Media Shout. Then they left 2 years later, and I got stuck with Media Shout and the music ministry got dumped in my lap. I have been stuck with it ever since. I did not choose it.MediaShout Häufig gestellte Fragen
Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über MediaShout.F. Welche Preispläne bietet MediaShout an?
MediaShout bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:
- Ab: 21,00 $/Monat
- Preismodell: Abonnement
- Gratis Testen: Verfügbar
F. Wer sind die typischen Nutzer von MediaShout?
MediaShout hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:
11–50, 51–200, 201–500
F: Welche Sprachen werden von MediaShout unterstützt?
MediaShout unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:
F. Unterstützt MediaShout mobile Geräte?
MediaShout unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:
Android (mobil), iPhone (mobil), iPad (mobil)
F. Mit welchen anderen Applikationen integriert MediaShout?
MediaShout kann in folgende Anwendungen integriert werden:
Dropbox Business, Google Drive, OneDrive, Twitter/X
F. Welche Varianten der Kundenbetreuung bietet MediaShout an?
MediaShout bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:
E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQ/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefon-Support, Chat
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