
4,5 (448)
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Software für Zeit- und Anwesenheitsnachverfolgung für Unternehmen

Über uAttend

uAttend ist eine cloudbasierte Zeit- und Anwesenheitssoftware, die Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, Arbeitszeiten zu verfolgen und die Produktivität der Mitarbeiter zu verwalten. Zu den Funktionen gehören Geofencing, Stempeluhr, Fernzugriff, PTO-Management, Datensynchronisierung, Benachrichtigungen, Datenexport, Analysen und Berichterstattung.

Die Anwendung ermöglicht es Managern, die Ein- und Ausstempelzeiten der Mitarbeiter aufzuzeichnen, Urlaube oder Krankheitszeiten zu berechnen und Zeitkarten und Urlaubsanträge in Echtzeit zu genehmigen. Mit dem nutzerdefinierten Dashboard können Fachleute verpasste Zeitbuchungen, die Anzahl der anwesenden Mitarbeiter im Büro, stündliche Zahlungen durch grafische Darstellungen und mehr überwachen. Mit uAttend können Manager Mitarbeiter auch verschiedenen Positionen zuweisen und Schichten je nach Projektanforderungen hinzufügen, bearbeiten oder entfernen.

uAttend lässt sich in verschiedene Anwendungen von Dritten wie QuickBooks und ADP integrieren, sodass Nutzer Arbeitsstunden für die Gehaltsabrechnung exportieren können. Die Administration kann sich bei Überstunden oder Verspätungen per Textnachricht oder E-Mail benachrichtigen lassen. Mitarbeiter können sich über mobile Apps für iOS- und Android-Geräte für Pausen ein-/ausstempeln, Anträge auf Abteilungswechsel einreichen, Zeitkartennotizen oder Ausgaben hinzufügen und Urlaubssalden, anstehende Urlaubstage und die Antragshistorie anzeigen.


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4,5 (448)
Häufig bewertet


27,00 $
49,00 €


Kostenlose Version
Kostenlose Testversion
Kostenlose Version
Kostenlose Testversion






4,5 (448)
4,1 (980)


4,5 (448)
3,9 (980)


4,7 (448)
4,0 (980)
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TimeClock Plus

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4,5 /5

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Andere Softwarekäufer brauchen deine Hilfe! Produktbewertungen helfen uns allen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Zeigt 5 von 448 Bewertungen
  • Branche: Baumaterial
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
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  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10


Bewertet am 12.12.2018


easily allows employees to log in and log out.


Sensitive so you can have a hard time for the system to read your finger print.

Antwort von Workwell Technologies

Hi Scott,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We work hard to provide a dependable and affordable time and attendance system and we appreciate the recommendation!

The sensitivity with the fingerprint scanner may be due to accumulated grime and we suggest using a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the surface clean. If that doesn¿t do the trick, use a tiny amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab or cloth and gently rub the surface clean.

If you ever have any questions in the future, please feel free to reach out to our customer support for assistance. We`re here for you seven days a week.

The uAttend Team
Text: (760) 278-6623
Call: (800) 518-8925

  • Branche: Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen
  • Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 7.0 /10

Uattend Time Clock

Bewertet am 8.4.2019

Customer service has always been very helpful. When we thought we needed a new timeclock, the...

Customer service has always been very helpful. When we thought we needed a new timeclock, the service department helped me walk through an update that seemed to take them forever to get to work. They were very, very patient with me and the system and finally got the update done and it has seemed to resolve most issues I was having.


It's easy to log into. I can have instant access anytime I need. I also love that I can log in from my phone.


I don't love that if I'm working in a pay period that has ended, that it won't stay in that pay period. I have to keep changing it each time I go to a different employee's time care.
I also don't like the recent change of taking away the color that noted overtime. Now it just blends in and I have to look for it more than when it was blue. It showed up right away.
I also don't like that the clocks won't update automatically or that we are not sent an email telling us there are updates available.

  • Branche: Möbel
  • Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Bedienkomfort
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 6.0 /10

Passable, but has significant drawbacks

Bewertet am 10.9.2018


The software is passable for clocking in and out of work for employees, though sometimes it seems to have trouble connecting to the network. Usually unplugging the unit and plugging it back in fixes the problem. Having an app component allows employees to check their hours, which is a nice feature, but doesn't solve some of the larger issues with the software


There is an overall problem with visibility for the user. With a physical timecard with printed times you can easily see your information, and immediately identify problems or discrepancies (like if you forgot to clock in). With Uattend it is difficult to track those, or to know that you made a mistake in the first place. Usually problems aren't discovered until it comes time to do payroll and by then no one remembers their precise hours for a day two weeks ago.

Another problem is that there is lag between physically punching in and out and the app displaying your status so, as an employee, you cant tell whether you clocked in or out without using your card, which in turn, clocks you either in or out. You are then locked out for 1 minute.

As an administrator, there is not an obvious method for aligning timecard summaries and reports to your pay periods. Within the interface there is not much in the way of guidance as to the features and different ways to interact with and use the collected data.

Antwort von Workwell Technologies

Hi Philip,
Thank you for the review! It's great to hear you appreciate the value of the uAttend app. The cloud connection reflects all punches in real time, so simply log into your cloud portal to view all time card data from your dashboard. You may benefit from utilizing the Missed Punch widget, which displays all missed punches for the current pay period. Also, the smartphone app can display the timecard without punching in or out. If you have a 6xxx series clock, employees can view their current punch status right from the clock by pushing the checkmark key and authenticating. There is an option to show last punch info. Our customer service team is available 7 days a week and they would be more than happy to walk you through any of these features so don't hesitate to reach out.
The uAttend Team
Text: (760) 278-6623
Call: (800) 518-8925

  • Branche: E-Learning
  • Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Great Time Tracking Out of the Box

Bewertet am 2.4.2019

For what it is for a small to medium-sized company, it offers a great solution for time tracking...

For what it is for a small to medium-sized company, it offers a great solution for time tracking your staff whether you use the card or biometric scanners.


The solution is just easy to unpack and get working. There is a lot of detail you can get into, and new features are UI changes are consistently implemented, but you can get started with minimal effort. Chat support is also easy to reach and very helpful in learning about the software and working through issues.


Some features or functionality seem obvious but are missing or in development. Would be nice to have an "upvote" system where we can collectively vote on new features and see what's in the pipeline for development.

  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Weitere für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Bedienkomfort
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

A Positive Change

Bewertet am 5.12.2019


I liked that this system was as close to plug-and-play as we would get. It is easy to register new employees and deregistered old employees. It is also easy to sing in to the online system and correct information when necessary. It's affordable and gives easy to read information for payroll.


There aren't many things I didn't like about this software. Sometimes it will delay registering a fingerprint and that can be frustrating. It's usually due to a dirty finger, screen, or too many touches within a certain amount of time. Nonetheless, there was nothing about it that is a dealbreaker.

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uAttend Häufig gestellte Fragen

Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über uAttend.

uAttend bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:

  • Ab: 27,00 $/Monat
  • Preismodell: Abonnement
  • Gratis Testen: Nicht verfügbar

uAttend hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:

2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1.000, 1.001–5.000

uAttend unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:


uAttend unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:

Android (mobil), iPhone (mobil), iPad (mobil)

uAttend kann in folgende Anwendungen integriert werden:

ADP GlobalView Payroll, QuickBooks Online Advanced

uAttend bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:

E-Mail/Helpdesk, Telefon-Support, Chat

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