
4,7 (64)
Eine Bewertung schreiben
Touren und Aktivitäten online buchen.

Über Rezgo

Rezgo bietet dir ein Online-Buchungssystem, mit dem du deine Touren und Aktivitäten über das Internet verkaufen und Buchungen in Echtzeit empfangen kannst. Du kannst deine Produkte organisieren, deine Buchungswebsite anpassen, Zahlungen akzeptieren, Buchungen nachverfolgen und auf sie reagieren und deine Kundendaten in einem einzigen, benutzerfreundlichen System verfolgen.

Darüber hinaus gibt es in Rezgo die Möglichkeit, auf jeder Website „Jetzt buchen“-Schaltflächen zu platzieren, die Kunden zu deinen Touren und Aktivitäten führen können. Durch eine Liste an wachsenden Vertriebspartnern erhalten Reisende auf der ganzen Welt Zugang zu deinen Touren und Aktivitäten.

Wie viel kostet Rezgo?

Rezgo basiert auf einem Pay-per-Performance-Modell, das heißt, dass du nur zahlst, wenn du eine Buchung erhältst. Rezgo berechnet eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 5 % für Frontend-Buchungen und 1 % für Backend-Buchungen, die über dein Rezgo-Konto getätigt werden.

Muss ich etwas installieren, um Rezgo auszuführen?

Nein. Rezgo ist vollständig online, das heißt, dass du die Anwendung von jedem Computer aus nutzen kannst, der auf das Internet zugreifen kann. Alles, was du brauchst, ist ein Browser wie Firefox oder Internet Explorer. Du kannst sogar mit einigen Handys auf Rezgo zugreifen.

Was brauche ich, um loszulegen?

Du solltest deine Produktinformationen griffbereit haben. Wenn du Zahlungen akzeptieren möchtest, solltest du die Details deines Händler-Zahlungs-Gateways zur Hand haben.

Welche Arten von Touren und Aktivitäten unterstützt Rezgo?

Rezgo unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Tour- und Aktivitätsangeboten, darunter:

– Geplante Touren mit einer bestimmten Anzahl verfügbarer Sitzplätze.
– Tägliche Aktivitätstouren, die unterschiedliche Startzeiten haben.

Zu den derzeitigen Mitgliedern zählen Unternehmen, die Folgendes anbieten: Geführte Stadtrundfahrten, Wandertouren, Walbeobachtungstouren, Fahrradtouren, Hubschrauberrundflüge, Flugtouren, Abenteuertouren, Bootstouren, Hop-on-Hop-off-Touren und mehr.

Bietet ihr technischen Support an?

Ja. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Optionen für den technischen Support, darunter eine umfassende Wissensdatenbank und Supportwebsite, ein Kundenforum, Skype, E-Mail und Telefon.


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Du bist nicht sicher, ob Rezgo das Richtige ist? Mit einer beliebten Alternative vergleichen


4,7 (64)
Häufig bewertet


0,01 $
49,00 $


Kostenlose Version
Kostenlose Testversion
Kostenlose Version
Kostenlose Testversion






4,7 (64)
4,4 (233)


4,6 (64)
4,2 (233)


4,8 (64)
4,4 (233)
Die grünen Bewertungsbalken geben an, welches Produkt gemessen an der Durchschnittsbewertung und der Zahl der Bewertungen am besten abschneidet.



Nr. 1 Alternative zu Rezgo
Rezdy ist eine cloudbasierte Reservierungs- und Buchungssoftware, die speziell für Anbieter*innen von Touren, Aktivitäte...


Nr. 2 Alternative zu Rezgo
Bokun ist eine cloudbasierte Buchungsmanagementlösung, mit der kleine bis große Reise- und Tourismusunternehmen...


Nr. 3 Alternative zu Rezgo
TourCMS ist eine einfache webbasierte, cloudgehostete und erschwingliche Lösung für lokale und globale Touren- und...


Nr. 4 Alternative zu Rezgo
Verwende Setmore, damit Kunden und Kundinnen deine Dienstleistungen online buchen können. Setmore bietet mehrere...



4,7 /5

Hast du Rezgo bereits?

Andere Softwarekäufer brauchen deine Hilfe! Produktbewertungen helfen uns allen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Zeigt 5 von 64 Bewertungen
  • Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Pretty Good Option

Bewertet am 19.12.2024

Overall I thought Rezgo was easy to use, easy to add new trips to and manage.

Overall I thought Rezgo was easy to use, easy to add new trips to and manage.


I felt like Rezgo was easier for the administrator/company and posed some issues for the guests.


There seemed to always be issues with booking through Rezgo on the guest side of things.

  • Branche: Unterhaltung
  • Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
  • Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 8.0 /10

Good overall

Bewertet am 17.11.2023

Positive. I would reccomend it overall. And the feedback from the gate/entry point positive also....

Positive. I would reccomend it overall. And the feedback from the gate/entry point positive also. If my rate could be fixed at 2.49 percent going forward...after next consider staying ! 🤣


Working with [sensitive content hidden] was a pleasure. Lovely person and so so available and good to reply, patient etc Could wax lyrical enough about how easy she made the transition to Rezgo for me (not the most tech savvy person). [sensitive content hidden] for employee of the month 😂 Elsewhere i basically just liked that our system was online...i could acess everything on the System, see who had checked in etc. It was a needed move for us.


I would like 2 main things. 1. If the check in system was made compatible with Android...not everyone has an i phone/i pad...needed those working at the gate to have that device so it limits who is in a positionto do it...2. If there was a facility where customers could click onto their booking and edit /amend their date , it would make life alot easier for me as i can get very bogged down with admin - people constantly messaging trying to change a they book in advance and plans obviously change. I definitely think this would be a big bonus to event operators . They are the two main issues. There was also a thing at gate where q.r codes would not scan if people had a black b/g on their phone -thats minor really and possibly out of your control. Also it would ne great if tech support was availabilie at weekend as thats when ours and most events were on...but in fairness [sensitive content hidden] great to reply out of hours, when she didnt have to ..and not probably being paid to...but she was on leave for some of my event .

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen


Gründe für den Wechsel zu Rezgo

The percentage charge. Got a nice vibe of [sensitive content hidden] and [sensitive content hidden] at start. Nice girls and kind of relaxed like me. There was another company i spoke to aswell the name just wont come to me.

Antwort von Rezgo

Hi Caroline,

Thank you for taking the time to submit a review! We're so glad to hear you've had such a positive experience, especially working with Stephanie.

In terms of some of the frustrations you mentioned, I'm pleased to let you know that our check-in system is compatible with all devices by using the camera to scan the QR code, and customer editing is something we are discussing to be included soon. Our team would be happy to discuss this further with you.

Thank you again!

Verifizierter Rezensent
  • Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
  • Quelle der Bewertung


Definitely not for the big leagues.

Bewertet am 7.10.2014

This software is ok if you are a small business, but if you are planning on expanding in any way I...

This software is ok if you are a small business, but if you are planning on expanding in any way I don't recommend it. They recently changed over to a new platform and have been emailing us loads of emails saying a change is coming and that "there is nothing you need to specifically do". Then I wake up on Oct 1st and all the images on my website are down for a full day and we are not a small tour company. I asked them to pay the invoice to my programmers to fix the issues, 2 hours, and they said they wouldn't. I spoke to a rep there who said "You should have been responsible for these changes." I told him if he had alerted me properly I would have. They didn't really seem like they want additional business nor want to please their customers.

Beyond that interface is subpar. There are much better Outsourced CRMs out there. Customization is very difficult and will cost you loads with your web designers. Their interface is tricky and filters don't allow you to easily track promo codes. It is also very difficult if you run a tour at varying times per day. Very easy to make mistakes and loose track of customers. If you are a small tour company maybe, but if you are planning to get larger I would look else where.

Antwort von Rezgo

Since you posted the same review on Capterra, I'll respond in a similar manner. I'm sorry that you were not satisfied with your customer service experience. We try very hard to provide the best possible customer support we can, but occasionally we fall short and when that happens, we take responsibility for our actions. That said, we expect that Rezgo members also take responsibility for their actions. These responsibilities are clearly stated in the Terms of Service that all Rezgo members, including yourself, agree to when they sign up and use the service.

Your complaint regarding not being provided with adequate notice about the update is unfounded. We provided ample notice (over 9 months) of upcoming updates as well a generous 3 month beta period during which time you had ample time to become familiar with the new features and administrative updates and front-end changes. We posted these notices via email, on the website, our Facebook page, and on Twitter. We even recommended that you update your images in a blog post when the beta was released in July and again two weeks before the release was made.

When you chose to call to complain about not being provided with ample notice and then insisted that we pay for your web developer to update the images, the support team provided you with the correct answer. Part of your responsibility as a Rezgo member is to maintain your content. You'll notice in the terms of service that we take responsibility for the technology and in exchange, you take responsibility for your content. Rezgo does not and never will manage your content for you. This is not something we have ever offered.

When our support team transferred your call to someone who could properly address your request for reimbursement, but was unfortunately not able to answer your call, you called back and yelled at our support team. When our team was unable to satisfy your request on the phone, you chose to write negative reviews on these software sites instead of waiting for response. We don't condone or reward abusive behaviour towards our team and it won't be tolerated.

For the record, we have honoured your request and credited the costs you incurred, as a sign of good will and nothing more. We did this not because we are responsible for your content but because it was an acknowledgement of your frustration with your customer service experience. Despite what you may feel, we take customer service seriously and we respect and appreciate the fact that you have chosen to use Rezgo. We don't force businesses to use our system and we don't claim that it is the best fit for everyone. If Rezgo is not a good fit for your business, you are certainly welcome to use a system that better suits your needs.

  • Branche: Freizeit, Reisen & Tourismus
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

Great for Bike Hire

Bewertet am 5.12.2023

Rezgo just works well, and professional client support is always available.

Rezgo just works well, and professional client support is always available.


I loved the assistance with setting up the account, and the ongoing client support is invaluable.


The first few days of setup were time consuming, but that's to be expected.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen


Gründe für den Wechsel zu Rezgo

The client has more control with Rezgo than with FareHarbor, which is owned by We already deal with in our accommodation business.

Antwort von Rezgo

Hi Roisin,

Thank you for taking the time to submit your review. We're so pleased to know you've had a positive experience with Rezgo. We truly value our customer support team and love to hear our customers do too!

  • Branche: Unterhaltung
  • Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung


  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Bedienkomfort
  • Kundenbetreuung
  • Weiterempfehlungsquote 10.0 /10

The Best Booking System

Bewertet am 19.9.2023

Everything has been perfect from the beginning, the management of all the tools is quick and easy.

Everything has been perfect from the beginning, the management of all the tools is quick and easy.


The entire booking process is extremely simple to carry out, they do not charge a monthly fee and I'm able to control everything from anywhere.


Everything is excellent, although if I could improve something it would be to facilitate the customization of the booking platform and have the possibility of integrating it directly into the website.

In Betracht gezogene Alternativen

Peek Pro und FareHarbor

Gründe für den Wechsel zu Rezgo

The pricing was much better and they had the option to customize the reservation system.

Antwort von Rezgo

Thanks so much for your review! We're glad to hear that Rezgo is a great fit for your business. We strive to build a system that's flexible and customizable for every tour and activity business, so your feedback is really appreciated. Have you had a chance to talk with our customer success team about integrating Rezgo with your website? We have a few different integration options, so we'll be in touch to chat about what would work best for you.

5 von 64 Bewertungen angezeigt Alle Bewertungen

Rezgo Häufig gestellte Fragen

Weiter unter folgen häufig gestellte Fragen über Rezgo.

Rezgo bietet folgende Kostenpläne an:

  • Ab: 0,01 $/Monat
  • Preismodell: Abonnement
  • Gratis Testen: Verfügbar

Rezgo hat die folgenden typischen Kunden:

Selbstständig, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1.000, 1.001–5.000

Rezgo unterstützt die folgenden Sprachen:


Rezgo unterstützt die folgenden Geräte:

Rezgo kann in folgende Anwendungen integriert werden:

Ento, Opayo, PayPal, SecurePay, Stripe, Worldpay for Business, Worldpay for Enterprise,, eBizCharge

Rezgo bietet folgende Optionen für Kundensupport:

E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQ/Forum, Wissensdatenbank, Telefon-Support, Chat

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